How to make homemade bubble hash

Making homemade bubble hash
 how to make easy bubble hash, weed, marijuana, homemade hash bubbleBubble hash is refined hashish that bubbles when it is smoked. The name was created by the Bubble Man, who also created a hashish sieving system that helps you make homemade bubble hash.This system uses ice, water and multiple levels of screening in order to remove the resin gland heads from the cannabis plant material, and to further remove any impurities from the hashish leaving a very pure resin. For this procedure on making homemade bubble hash, make sure you freeze your shake and/or marijuana buds as it will be easier for the THC crystals to come off. THC crystals are heavier than water. First you get them cold (to release from the weed) then you agitate them and let them settle. Here is an easy way on how to make homemade bubble hash.  

Here is what you'll need to make homemade bubble hash:
  • 3 large buckets 
  • Rolling pin
  • Hash bubble bags (7 bag kit)
  • Knife
  • Cardboard 
  • Hand mixer
  • Ice
  • Cold water
  • Frozen shake and/or marijuana buds
  • Pressing screen
  • 2 large spoons
  • 2 Kitchen cloths
  • Salad bowl
How to make the homemade bubble hash
making homemade hash, bubble hash, smoking hash, weed, marijuana hash
First step in making homemade bubble hash is by taking your first bucket and placing the (25)  bubble hash bag inside the bucket. Then add the other bubble hash bags inside one another working your way to the largest one (220). There should be 7 bubble hash bags in total inside your bucket.
    Once you have your bubble hash bags situated fill 2/3 of your bucket with ice and water. Make sure the water comes above the screen level in your bubble hash bag to avoid contaminants getting on your first few bags. Then add your shake and/or marijuana buds to the ice and water.
      Take your hand mixer or a wooden spoon if you don't have one, and mix it all together for 15 minutes or 20 minutes if your doing it with a wooden spoon. If using a hand mixer be careful to not put the mixer to close to the water, you are using electricity here and don't want any accidents.Let this sit for about 30 minutes so that everything can settle to the bottom of the first bubble hash bag. After it has settled pull the first bubble hash bag out carefully so none of the smaller leaf fall into your other bags.Also refrain from squeezing the bubble hash bag as it could also make small leaf fall into your other bubble hash bags.

      Let the bubble hash bags settle for half an hour. This allows the THC crystals to sink down, now that they have been broken free. They sink down in the water and fall through our series of screens. It is important to now flip your work bag inside out and rinse it off completely with cold water. Doing this immediately after emptying is important. Then leaving it out to dry is important as well. Discard the contents in the first bubble hash bag as they have no use anymore.

      Now we are going to move onto the second bubble hash bag (190) for making homemade bubble hash. Pull this bag out carefully just like the first one, the resin in this bag can be used for cooking but that's about it so if you don't plan on making pot butter out of it then you can throw it away.

      Carefully remove bubble hash bag number 3 (160) for making your own homemade bubble hash. once you remove the bag from the bucket take a salad bowl and wrap the bubble hash bags around the bowl, inside out, in order to stretch the screen for easy THC crystal removal. The resin is easily scraped off with a spoon by stretching the bag over the bowl. Cleaning off the bubble hash bag in the sink is ok when the resin is as low quality as this one. Place your scrapings on your pressing screen. 

      Now remove the fourth bubble hash bag (120) Use the bubble water to gather the resin into one section of the screen. Place the bubble hash bag inside out in the large bowl, and push down on the middle of the screen, allowing the resin to naturally go into that pool. Sprinkle lightly with water then scrap the resin off with a spoon. Clean your spoon and bubble hash bag in the water from the other bubble hash bags as we don't wanna lose any potential THC crystals for further homemade bubble hash making. 

      You can now pull bubble hash bag number 5 (73) out from the others. These last bags will be slower at draining as they have smaller holes to catch those tiny THC crystals. Just grab the bubble hash bag at the top and jerk it upwards about three inches, then let it drop. This will allow the water to drop through while the resin is lifted in the air off the screen. This will allow for faster draining and making your homemade bubble hash faster.Wrap the bubble hash bag around the salad bowl, inside out, and scrap your homemade bubble hash off with a spoon, then place the bubble hash on the pressing screen.

      Repeat those steps on making homemade bubble hash for bubble hash bags number 6 (45) and 7 (25)
      remember for faster draining lift the bubble hash bag out of the water and jerk it upwards about 3 inches and let it drop. Place all the bubble hash onto the pressing screen. You should now have 6 different strains of homemade bubble hash on your pressing screen.

      Now take your kitchen cloth and place your pressing screen on top of it then closing the pressing screen. Take your other kitchen cloth and place it on top of your closed pressing screen. Now take your rolling pin and very gently roll it across the kitchen cloths to form your homemade bubble hash clumps into cookie shapes. This will allow for easier crumbling so that you can move onto the next step on how to press your bubble hash.

      Next crumble your homemade bubble hash into powder onto a piece of cardboard, this will act as a desiccant and remove the water from your homemade bubble hash. Be sure your bubble hash is fully dry before pressing it – otherwise mold can form on the inside.
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