marijuana bad or good

Marijuana is not bad for you and there is and has been so many studies to prove this, But I think one of the most evil studies trying to prove marijuana was bad entailed Giving monkeys 300 times the normal dosage within 5 minutes which did kill the monkey! The monkey did not die from the marijuana ( SHOCKING?) In fact it is true. The monkey died from lack of oxygen and not THC in marijuana . Is marijuana bad for you the simple answer is no it's the people trying to prove it is that are bad not only for you but society. There is even a study proving no one person no matter how much marijuana they consumed ever led to a death from the actual effects from THC. People have died during the use of marijuana by operating motor vehicles and such as marijuana does effect your ability to respond to situations and effects your timing, But that is a different story as one can take a heavy flu medicine and end up dying by there judgment being effected in the same way. 

Some very smart people including celebrates, Politicians and even former police officers and not forgetting scientist's  and their study's are speaking out against this crazy notion  that marijuana is bad for you, Because any intelligent person will inform you indeed marijuana isn't bad but good for you including the amazing medical benefits of this plant.


  • In your brain right now whether you have smoked marijuana or not there are cannabinoid receptors, A naturally occurring receptor that goes beyond human mammals and has show to exists in other animals as well.
  • There has been no known death directly related to the effects of marijuana on the body and brain.
  • Estimates for a marijuana overdoes leading to and causing death up to 30 times the average users body weight,  And must be consumed within 5 minutes so as you can tell the main reason for death would be lack of oxygen.
  • Marijuana and mainly the THC can be absorbed into the body in many ways, such ways can include (eating, smoking, epidermis absorption, rectal - NOT RECOMMENDED, ) And with the medical field of marijuana booming such ways can be implemented by, Pills, Eye drops, Ointment, smoking marijuana, Eating marijuana, and others.
  • The united states government tried to cover up and not release certain studies that could prove marijuana is not as harmful as they claim - Conspiracy? maybe, But true.
  • Some of Society's most famous people have admitted to smoking pot, Including former presidents and prime ministers of various country's around the world.

Information based upon these readings and others

 - The Cannabinoid Receptors By Patricia H. Reggio 



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