Clear bongs vs colored does it matter?

When buying a bong you  might easily not pay any attention or thought in determining which one might actually be best for you. There are many places to buy good bongs and all have their own brands they promote or manufacture and in most situations nothing is mentioned about how the color can effect your mood when you toke it up or how it effects things overall. It very well may be this article boarders on a comical approach in regards to deciding on your next purchase but in the grand scheme of things, take note that this is actually a valid point. If you take two bongs of the same make and one is clear and the other colored initially you will not see a difference, well esthetically speaking you will not see a difference at all in terms of how it smokes, but if you were or are able to toke both bongs then you might see the point. The problem arises when smoking out of a colored bong. Since you cannot see how much you are taking then you might have to much or to little. Some will say well after a while you get used to your bong and that is true but we are talking about brand new bongs that you have not tried yet. Now replace the colored bong with a clear one and instantly you would see the difference because now you can see how much you are taking or how much you need.

I truly believe this is why most bongs even though they may be colored are transparent and allow you to see inside. Not only do they look wicked since you can see the smoke and water inside the bong but are also more enjoyable for the novice smoker. When deciding on  Clear or transparent bongs vs solid colored bongs just keep in mind why a clear version might be better. Now this isn't to say that bongs of solid color are crap because they are not it just takes some time to get used to the feel of it to know how much to take. You can see a solid color white bong here in cases like the bong in that link, it has both a solid color and a clear percolator section. These type do help because you can in some way at lest see how much you are taking. So maybe a mix of both worlds is the key.

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