How not to waste weed tips

Wasting weed is very common almost everyone who smokes it does in some way waste a huge amount when added up over the course of a year and you might be blown away but just how much. Weed gets wasted in many ways such as weed lost that fell through the bowl in your bong and down into the water, By filling the bowl to much or even letting your weed dry out to much.

Stop wasting weed and learn how to conserve

1. Most find that a fully packed bowl is both pleasing to the eye and functional since you won't have to repack it but you should avoid this at any cost. The reason this is not a good way to conserve your stash is in between hits the weed will still be burning and thus wasting away, unless you consider it incense you should only fill the bowl enough for a few pulls. Over a long period of time and depending on how much weed you smoke you could save a huge amount following this simple tip.

2. For the love of god use a gauze in your bowl, also known as a weed screen. So much gets lost into the bong its not even funny, and if you think it is recoverable I say good luck to you because fishing weed out of bong water is a pain in the ass.

3. Always keep your weed at lest a little bit moist, why? because super dry weed burns real quick and just like the movie, it goes up in smoke.

4. Always roll your joints, blunts on a rolling tray, if you don't you will lose a considerable amount over time by crystals and tiny weed particles falling off. The same goes for packing bowls, use a tray with upper edges. When you are done always put the remainder away so a fan or gust of wind doesn't send your weed flying away.

5. Do not let your weed get to much moisture for too long because weed does get moldy and you do not want to smoke moldy weed.

6. Scrape out your bowls after a few sessions because they get filled up with resin and this makes pulling a haul very hard and often you just end up lighting the weed on top but can't really pull it in.

7. Do not roll big joints or blunts, this just wastes weed at an incredible rate, it may look cool but a few days later if you are out you will wish you didn't.

8. A great way on how not to waste your weed is by not carrying the bud around with out being wrapped up. It is only common sense some of the bud can fall off.

9. Do not smoke too much, There is a point when smoking more is a waste and has no effect in the big picture. Just wait awhile.

10. Using the right kind of lighter can avoid weed being wasting. A torch lighter is the best to save your bud because the faster it gets lit, the less you waste by lighting.

Hope this list helps, if you have any more ways feel free to use the link at the top nav bar to submit it.

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